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ISMAR 2014 - Sep 10-12 - Munich, Germany

Touch Gestures for Improved 3D Object Manipulation in Mobile Augmented Reality


Event TitleRoomStartEnd
Posters Presentation - Batch 1TBA10 Sep, 2014 03:00 PM10 Sep, 2014 03:30 PM
Philipp Tiefenbacher
Andreas Pflaum
Gerhard Rigoll
This work presents three techniques for 3D manipulation on mobile touch devices, taking the specifics of mobile AR scenes into account. We compare the common direct manipulation technique with two indirect techniques, which utilize only the thumbs to perform the transformations. The evaluation of the manipulation variants is conducted in a mixed reality (MR) environment which takes advantage of the controlled conditions of a full virtual reality (VR) system. A study with 18 participants shows that the two-thumb method tops the other techniques. It performs better with respect to the total manipulation time and total number of gestures.