ISMAR 2013, the premier international conference on research into the science, technology, applications, and uses of Mixed and Augmented Reality, invites you to join us from October 1-4th 2013 in Adelaide, SA, Australia!
We are excited that this year's symposium is being held on the City East campus of the University of South Australia, located in the East End District of Adelaide. As a research leader, fostering an intellectually rigorous research environment, and delivering fundamental advances in knowledge, the University of South Australia funds research activities that encourage individual researchers and supports research in identified areas of strength to address national needs. The City East campus of the university is located in the East End district of Adelaide where you will find some of Adelaide’s best known cafes, restaurants and wine bars. You will enjoy the best of the best in coffee, desserts, wine and international cuisine – a truly amazing blend.
This year's conference showcases the diversity and quality of work in Mixed and Augmented Reality, with a top-quality collection of workshops, tutorials, panels, papers, posters, and late breaking results in both the Science and Technology and Art, Media and Humanities programs. Many authors of these papers will showcase their work in the Demonstration program, joining work submitted directly to the Demonstration program with work from the sponsoring organizations.
This year’s program will continue with the ISMAR Doctoral Consortium. The Consortium is an opportunity for PhD students to present their research, discuss their current progress and future plans, and receive constructive criticism and guidance regarding their future work and career objectives from a panel of academic and industrial researchers. The participants in the DC will also have posters in the poster session, allowing them to get feedback from all conference attendees.
Recognizing the diversity of ISMAR attendee interests, and the need to provide venues for practical as well as scientific topics, this year we have also continue with a Birds-of-a-Feather program. The BOF program allows any attendee to organize a session around a topic of interest relevant to ISMAR, allowing like-minded attendees to gather and discuss common interests and problems in an informal setting.
We hope that you will all enjoy ISMAR 2013, Adelaide and the UniSA community!
Symposium General Chairs,
Mark Billinghurst, HitLab NZ, University of Canterbury
Bruce H. Thomas, Wearable Computer Lab, The University of South Australia
Social Program