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Welcome to ISMAR 2012!

Workshops Call

ISMAR 2012 provides a venue for Mixed and Augmented Reality research. ISMAR 2012 workshops are a complementary forum to the main conference.

See Call for Workshop Participation page for the accepted workshops and links to their individual calls


ISMAR workshops are interactive events involving participants. We therefore ask workshop organizers foster attendee involvement, making it a primary goal.

ISMAR encompasses multiple domains of research. We encourage workshop organizer teams from multiple institutions to propose specific themes from both, Science & Technology and Arts, Media, & Humanities tracks to be explored in workshops. We particularly encourage the fostering of topics or communities that do not have a “home” in other venues. In order to extend the discussion of possible future topics and trends, we also invite people from outside the Mixed and Augmented Reality community to participate in ISMAR workshops.
ISMAR is interactive and inviting. Please feel free to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal by email with the workshop chairs ( prior to submission. We aim for a balanced workshop program avoiding overlapping themes and fostering synergies.

If you have an idea for a workshop you would like to see at ISMAR, and would be willing to help organize, but haven't found a group, please let us know! We are happy to both help find others to help, and connect people with similar interests.


ISMAR workshops provide a platform for presentations of novel work, work in progress and positions. In addition, ISMAR workshops may serve as a platform to actively experience the insights of a variety of pervasive computing topics in seminars.

In order to ensure the quality of workshops the presentations have to meet a certain level of quality. Thus, we ask organizers to propose ways to ensure the quality of presentations. This can be, for example, by peer reviewing or a workshop program committee.
We also encourage the organization of seminars. Since seminars aim for a maximum of interactivity, we ask organizers of seminars to focus on proposals of how to involve attendances. This can be for example, by organizing hands-on sessions or pro-contra discussions of reading lists.
Workshops may also be organized as a combination of both, resulting in seminars with presentations of novel work, work in progress or position statements.
All workshop material will be included on the conference stick. In addition, we offer to publish papers on novel work within the IEEE database. Excluded from this path of publication are papers on work in progress and position statements.
All workshops should be planned as full day events.


All accepted workshops will have synchronized deadlines that are chosen to maximize visibility prior to the ISMAR registration deadlines. The call for papers should be sent out no later than May 8, 2012. The deadline for paper submissions to workshops will be June 26, 2012 while the decisions have to be made until July 27, 2012. The program for all workshops has to be published no later than August 17, 2012.

Submission Guidelines

To submit a proposal for a workshop, please send email to with the subject “ISMAR 2012 workshop proposal” and a PDF document containing

1.  Name of workshop
2.  Theme of the workshop and topics of interest and how these relate to the overall conference
3.  Format of the workshop, example agenda, and how the agenda reflects the format
4.  How the workshop seeks to encourage attendee interactivity
5.  Preliminary Call for Papers
6.  Names, affiliations, research interest, and a short bio (up to 200 words) of the organizers
7.  Brief description (up to 1 page) of research issues that the workshop will address
8.  Reasons why the workshop is of interest to the conference participants
9.  Audience: expected number of participants, potential program committee members
After sending your proposal to the aforementioned email address, you should receive an acknowledgment of receipt.
Potential workshop organizers should also note that at least one workshop organizer is expected to register for the ISMAR12 conference.
Organizers are expected to be proactive in the field where they propose a workshop. Organizers are required to attend those workshops they are organizing. Any change to the workshop organization team must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to the paper deadline. No changes to the workshop organization team can be made after this date to ensure that potential participants submitting position papers to workshops are aware of the final organization team.

Important Dates

Call for Workshop Proposal submissions: April 10, 2012.
Notification of proposal decisions:   April 24, 2012.

The following deadlines will apply to accepted workshops.

Initial workshop web information (on ISMAR 2012 site): April 27, 2012
Call for Workshop Participation submission: May 8, 2012
Call for Workshop Participation deadline: June 26 EXTENDED to July 17, 2012
Submission decisions and notifications: July 27, 2012